For most individuals, their largest asset isn’t their house, their car or anything else they currently own. An individual’s greatest asset is their income: the ability to build more wealth in the future.
That’s why income protection is so important. Life insurance is sold to protect families in the event that the primary “breadwinner” dies prematurely, resulting in a loss of income. However, as the population lives longer and medical technology advances, death is no longer the largest threat to a family’s income.
Loss of income due to disability is the biggest potential financial peril for most families, yet no life insurance policy protects against the loss of income caused by a disabling (but non-fatal) injury or illness. That’s why an income protection plan should include both life and disability insurance.
Such plans are typically affordable. For as little as 3 to 5 percent of income, a client can get protection against the loss of income caused by both death and disability. Adding disability insurance to your practice is also a significant income opportunity for financial planners and similar professionals.
To find out how Fortify Insurance can help you add disability insurance to your practice, contact us or give us a call at (203) 226-4077.
Additional Resources (click for printable PDFs):